Stat Lab is located at the back of Commons North in Hodges Library (Room 220F). Although we encourage you to make use of your instructor’s office hours, Stat Lab is a place you can go to ask questions about the course material. It is staffed by 201 TAs and/or by 201 instructors during hours of operation. As exams and project due dates approach, we will staff Stat Lab with more TAs and Instructors in an effort to handle the increased number of customers. If you have questions about MyLab/Mastering or JMP software, we encourage you to bring your laptop with you (although this is not a requirement).

 Hodges Library Stat Lab Regular* Hours

M: 9:40am-5pm
T: 9:40am-5pm
W: 9:40am-5pm
R: 9:40am-5pm
F: 9:40am-2pm (Closes at 2pm)


*Make sure to check the weekly schedule for changes and updates.

 Stat Lab Policies:

1. A time limit per student will be determined by the instructor or TA. Our goal is to help as many students as possible.

2. Lab is for answering specific questions, NOT for lecturing.

3. If you feel like you didn’t learn in Stat Lab, speak to your instructor or the 201 coordinator.